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Noah 'Beastiality' Cheeseman

Religious Adviser

Andy 'Rosie' Rosewell

Grand Master

Amanda 'Swatchtika' Paul

1. There are no rules.

2. There is no rule 2.

3. See rule 1 (there are no rules).

4. The G.M is always right.

5. If the G.M is wrong then see rule 4.

6. All hashers should commit to memory rules 1,2 and 3 and be able to recite them at any hour of the day regardless of their state of inebriation.

7. All hares should make all efforts to keep their hash under 60 mins as our name suggests: SUB60. Overrunning the 60 mins is punishable at the GM’s discretion.

8. No discrimination. All race, culture, ethnic groups, unemployed, dogs, the retired, disabled, doctors, teachers, headmasters, police, bankers, nymphomaniacs, civil servants, Bournemouth supporters, estate agents, car salesmen and even Bumblebee, should be encouraged to run hashes. Alcoholics are welcomed with open arms. However athletes should be vetted and tolerated, and can never aspire to be G.M.

9. No competitiveness.

10. No training: persons caught training will be deemed to have breached rule 9, and will be liable for a charge. A range of activities may be interpreted as training and for guidance the following list is provided:

a Running other than at a hash.

b Cycling (fornication on a bike is exempt).

c Visiting a gymnasium for any other purpose than perving at the aerobics class.

d Using the stairs when an escalator is available.

e Shagging the wife or girlfriend when so pissed it turns into a marathon.

11. The G.M can add, delete, or change any rule at any time to suit his needs and requirements.

12. Amendments to rules 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7,and 10 are illegal.


Former GMs of the Sub 60 Hash House Harriers:

Pauline 'Gravelrash' Squibb    1997-2001

Dave 'Kipper' Bucke    2001-2011

Simon 'Bookend' Dunning    2011-2013





Mismanagment of the Sub60 Hash House Harriers

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