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7 Nov 2013 Hash 628 The Old Ship Inn

Hares: Hooker, Something Else & Pollocks


Hounds: Just Neil, Nobby, Largerlout, Boulders, B'Astard, H5N1, Cracked Lips, Dick in a Jonny, Muscrat, Just Adam, Corn on the Knob, Swatchsticka, Cock'N'Rubber, Rosie, Bones 1, Bones 2, Scrumpy, Just Dervla, Just Debbie, Just Andrew Dunbrell, Wet Patch, Bestiality, Just Russell, NOFI, Lock Lip


Socials: Bookend, Bucock, SNOFI, Kipper, Shirtlifter, MSB.


Hounds report: Great hash set by some experienced hands. Good to see Cock'N'Rubber back from maternal duties. The trail was laid over land not usually covered (thanks to Pollocks & Hooker- 'Get on my land'). Good amounts of shiggy, and in some cases, shitty, on trail. The route wove around and up Ridgeway to be met by Pollocks in tractor and trailer. All hounds embarked cattle style and were driven to the start of the second part of the trail. Rosie as chief chorus master incumbent was nominated to give a chorus of 'Bestiality's Best'. Rosie was sporting a new duster 'tache for Movember which made him look like Pops Teutel (see Orange County Choppers). Enquiries were made by brave hounds about whether his new found 'Selleck' meant he suffered from the Velcro effect. (A reminder that donations to Rosie's Movember efforts can be made at the next Sub 60.)


On disembarking from the trailer Scrumpy got some dog abuse in by jumping on Hooker & Pollocks' dog. A shortish hike toward the pub led the hounds to Pollocks private tunnel under the railway line. After some atheletic efforts from Something Else ,amonst others, to gain entry to Pollocks' tunnel (*gag*) all hounds cracked on toward the bonfire and fireworks set up by the Hares. Sadly the hash beer was in Boulders' car so Bones 1, Rosie, Just Neil and Boulders had to hike back to the car over land so marshy Bones 1 got 'Nam flashbacks. DIAJ almost had to work his bog rescue skills as H5N1 was later spotted up to her eyeballs in the mire. Happily her recent Bear Grylls training came into play and she used a recently deaded sheep to get out. And she didn't complain once.


After an excellent fireworks display assisted by Cracked Lips and Dick in a Jonny, all hounds and hares repaired to the pub. Bones 1 tried to claim record speeds on trail but 'fessed up that he had not stopped his watch while on the tractor.


Bookend called the hash to order to hand over the GMship. Something Else was nominated and seconded and sworn in as the the new GM. Long may he reign. Rosie was nominated and seconded as RA. Down downs were given out to the new Mismanagement joined by Boulders who takes over as Webmaster.


As a final hurrah Bookend and Something Else named Just Zoey as 'Vajazzle' for her short shorts. Not knowing how to spell 'Vajazzle' one looked it up on Google. Unfortunatey the mistake was compounded by the fact that one was eating ones breakfast at the time. All that can be said on the pages which issued forth from the Google search is that it looked the the aftermath of a sequin explosion at one of Sylvio Berlusconi's ... parties.


Scrumpy and Wet Patch nominated themselves for laying the next hash from The Admiral Hardy. Earlier in the evening Scrumpy had expressed her displeasure at the webmaster's previous suggestion that she and Wet Patch were an item. She said it would be a bad idea to reopen the debate. Ever tactfull the webmaster said he understood...


Judging by the stink-eye that Just Russell was giving Wet Patch upon revelation that the two not-lovebirds would be laying a hash together there may be some tension underlying the surface. Wet Patch meanwhile was giving a look of smug satisfaction that I haven't seen since Bookend relayed the story of giving Cup of Piss a down down out of the one true piss pot. Hmmm.. I like Just Russell... but I also like Wet Patch. There is only one way to decide.... Fiiiiiight!!! (the hash does not condone fighting in any way shape or form...unless it involves two Southern Belles and a swimming pool full of Jell-o) Stay tuned for an update. Or don't. Whatever.


A massive thank you to Bookend for excellent service to the Hash as GM. A good stewardship of the hash and an excellent start for the new Mismanagement.


P.S. The bonfire is still burning.


Photos from hash are here!

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