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10 Apr 2014 Hash 639 William Henry

Hare: Bones 1


Hounds: Just Andrew, Just Dervla, Bestiality, Scrumpy, COTK, Just Dina, Nobby, SNoFI, NoFI, Wet Patch, B'Astard, Bandit, Just Shane, Ivor Stent, Nurse Baps, Rosie, Boulders, Nipple Rash, Cracked Lips, Just Debbie, Just Dee, Elvis, Dill Dont, Just Jacki, Organgrinder, Just Amy, Cyclopath, Sweet Pea, Bones 2, Something Else


Virgins: Just Chloe, Just Jake, Just Charlotte, Just Gez


Socials: BOF, Swatchsticka 


Hares report:

Great idea for a novelty hash this one! The call came through that this was to be a live RAINBOW hash. All hounds were asked to wear multicoloured hashing gear. Some great efforts were made to dress as outlandishly as possible... but thats enough about BOF!


The idea of hash was each hare would be issued with a diffeent coloured chalk. The pack would then follow only the specific colour currently being laid. This would allow overlapping of trails which suited the twisy nature of the town centre.


Each leg was fast paced and allowed several interesting pairings of hashers to lead the pack a merry dance around the town centre - this covered several miles without going more than 10 minutes from the On Inn.


The trail finished on time and it was back to the Wetherspoons 'beer festival' for some much needed refreshment.


Good job Bones 1!



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