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24 Oct 2013 Hash 627 The Boot


Hares: Gravelrash and Welly Wanker


Hounds: Organgrinder, Rosie, Boulders, Nobby, Bookend, Just Neil Crocker, Bones 2, Scrumpy, Just Chris, Salmonella, Ivor Stent, Nurse Baps, Swatchsticka, NOFI, Just Andrew Dunbrell, Dick in a Jonny, Just Dina, Dizzy, Latex, Just Zoey, Ladyboy, Cracked Lips, Just Dervla, Just Hugh, Just Russell, Just Rachel, Twinkletoes


Socials: Bones 1, Buscock, Corn on the Knob


Hare's report: You'd think that a surveyor, would know what 50m (Ed. - I think 50 yards was mentioned in the circle...?) looks like wouldn't you? You'd think that the GM would notice a bar wouldn't you? Here's me thinking that the youngsters would mess up! Wrong!! Headless chickens...the experienced leaders were! Hey Ho... thats hashing!


Hounds report: A nice local venue for a milestone Sub60 hash for Gravelrash - a matriarch of the Weymouth hashing scene. Some would say that the 'experience' shows but that would come from a hasher far braver than I.


The hash was called to order and Gravel issued strict instructions to respect the bars and not go over 50 m ( I am convinced it was 50 yards - Ed.) from a check when seeking dust. The pack set off at a chop and looped away from The Boot into Rodwell. The route led the pack a merry dance in a tight loop up Love Lane (apparently the former Red Light District of Weymouth) and around Portwey to Chapelhay.


It was here that Bookend crossed a bar and had to be led back to the offending article to be convinced of the crime. Boulders cracked on down into Chapelhay and having gone a reasonable distance was brought on back to an apoplectic Gravel saying 'I said 50m from regroups - I thought you were a surveyor!!' (Ed. - I am more convinced than ever it was 50 yards. It comes to something when the Hare can't get the distances right! Senior Ed.- 50 yards is roughly the same as 50m. Even you cant get it right. Go back to your basket and think about what you have done. Ed. - (under breath) Bell End... Senior Ed. - I heard that!! Ed. exits stage left and is seen leaving the building with desk contents in cardboard box)


As the route looped around the Nothe Gardens a trip around the base of the Nothe Fort seemed inevitable. Gravel must have checked the tide timetables (or at least sent Welly on a recce) as the route was clear. Refusing an offer of a torch, Just Chris cracked on only to be heard taking a tumble with a sound akin to a wet haddock hitting the floor. With calls of 'That'll learn you!' ringing in his ears Just Chris could only reflect on a poor decision and a certain naming.


Back in the Circle there was a DD for Gravelrash for her 300th (official) run. There was a mass DD for the unilluminated who, despite being the need for a torch being advertised on the website didn't bring a torch (this also should have included the Sub 60's very own Rod Stewart look alike, Rosie, (Ed. - Wouldn't that make Swatchsticka Penny Lancaster? Senior Ed - I thought you had been sacked? Ed - sorry just popped back for the Ficus) but he escaped this one!). DD for Bookend for bar abuse - by proxy DD for Nobby, DD for Boulders - not sticking to strick 50m (Ed - Yards I am sure Senior Ed - GET OUT!!!!). And a naming - Just Chris becomes Wet Patch for slipping over despite being offered torch


There is nothing like trying to communicate with the younger generation to make one feel like a socially inept penis (Senior Ed - It would help if you laid off the Old Thumper). So it was that a serious point was made null by Wet Patch giving me a look like I had dropped out of a donkey's bottom. There is another excellent hash which runs on a Sunday morning. Hardys Hash House Harriers cover the same area as the Sub 60 but give a slightly longer run. It would be good to see some of the young guns at the hash. If you want lifts there are always Sub 60 hashers going so why not give it a go?


Finally a serious point which will not be laboured but should be noted by all. The Sub 60 is able to provide DDs, organise Christmas parties and special events because we all pay a small nominal sub of £1. Can all hashers please bring subs every week to make sure we contiue in our most excellent traditions!

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