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14 August 2014 Hash 649 The Nook

Hares: Le Ass Over Tit & COP


Hounds: COTK, Something Else, H5N1, Rosie, Swatchsticka, NOFI, Nobby, Mr Economical, Just Emily, Jim Jam, ABO, Ivor Stent, Nurse Baps, Gravelrash, Dilly, Wet Patch, Slippery Shitter, Scrumpy, Bones 1, Bones 2, Muscrat, Salmonella


Socials: Buscock, Bookend, Boulders & Ladyboy


Hounds report: Excellent idea for a themed hash. Poor effort all round on the fancy dress front however (oneself included!).


There must have been clenched buttocks all round for the Nook staff as the gaggle of hashers filled the venue. Nurse Baps, Ivor Stent and Salmonella had held an impromptu prelube at the venue to get their running legs in order. Good hashing spirit chaps!


Owing to one's status as residing on the crocks table not a lot to report on the run itself. However the draft Brahama was superb and I have it on good authority that the cocktails were top draw.


It wasn't long after the pack had set off that Salmonella came 'limping' back claiming a gammy toenail (or something). This was a record for returning to base to rival Kipper & Gravelrash!


Down downs included Bookend for crocking himself on the harbourside railway tracks. See Swatchsticka to join the campaign to have the blessed things removed.


Good work hares - It was nice to go to a new venue albeit as a social. On on to the next most excellent trail.





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