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12 February 2015 Hash 663 The Duke of Cornwall

12 February 2015 Hash 663 The Duke of Cornwall


Hares: Nurse Baps, Swatchsticka & Ivor Stent


Hounds: Rosie, Muscrat, Boulders, Wet Patch, Prick Teaser, Bestiality, NoFI, Hot Lips, Latex, Fix It, Innappropriate, Just Emma, Phil McCavity, Cock'N'Rubber, Bookend, Just Lauren, Buscock, Just Sue, Nobby


Socials: SNoFI, Salmonella


Hounds report:

This was the second new venue in as many weeks for the Sub60. Although it was another town centre venue there seems  to something new brought to the table on each hash. Lets just hope it rains before the next time we visit the town centre as it needs to wash some of the dust away!


A triumvirate of hares could only spell... success! Apart from the Australian T-bars this was a well laid affair with almost all town centre snicks covered. Although definitely not the usual clientele of this venue (as most hounds were lycra clad) the hash was  made to feel welcomeish.


A slightly chilly night mean the circle was called in the back room of the On Inn. It was nice to see Muscrat, Buscock, Latex, Phil McCavity & Cock'N'Rubber on trail. Looking sprightly after his 1000th H4 celebrations Nobby was obviously out to put some good work in after the weekends excesses. Or have another beer. The jusry is still out.


The circle was quite a snug fit into the small back room at the On Inn but at least everyone managed to keep warm. At the off the trail wound around the town centre with some excellent bar work keeping everyone on trail. A good amount of regroups meant that the pack stayed together with the occasional fish hook thrown in there for good measure. One of the three hares were always in attendance to guide the pack and stop Rosie from crossing the bars.


The trail wound around and up to the Nothe where hashers were invited to kiss their partners at a lovers regroup. Sadly for the Webmaster he received a kiss from Bookend and can only assume he was still pissed from the weekend. The last regroup of the trail was a grumpy regroup where it was revealed that  two of the hares had had a tiff whilst laying the trail.


Back at the On Inn the RA tried desperately to bankrupt the hash with mulled cider down downs. A particular highlight was Wet Patch's DD for new shoes which was taken out of Webmaster's shoe in lieu of Wet Patch's Krusty the Clown efforts. That will teach him for racing (and beating) his elders back to the pub...!


Leaving in the traditional fashion - slightly wobbly-bobbly - one could not help but wonder why this venue hasn't been hashed from before on the Sub60.  Provided they let us back in I am sure we will be back.


Apres-hash a frantic communication was received from Wet Patch saying that his beloved grey fleece had been left at the On Inn. As the last sighting of said fleece was with Rosie one cannot help but foresee a down down for our luckless hound. Especially when it is discovered that he went into the venue but declined to ask the staff whether it had been handed in!


On on to the Royal Standard and a trail set by the father/son hare team of SNoFI and Bestiality. I wonder how long it will be before SNoFI realises he is laying a hash three days before The Grizzly...?


On on!



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