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3 July 2014 Hash 646 Car Park, Higher Bockhampton

Hare: Boulders


Hounds: Rosie, Swatchsticka, Bookend, Buscock, Muskrat, COP, Le Ass Over Tit, Mr Economical, Bandit, Nobby, H5N1, Scrumpy, Slippery Shitter, Wet Patch, Something Else, Just Faye


Virgin: Just Ben


Hares report:

Great turn out for  hashing venue not visited for a while. Good weather greeted assembled pack. After introductions and warnings about Adders the pack cracked on.


Suffice it to say that Throncombe Woods looks the same so a report would be pretty useless but highlights of the trail included: heading uphill for the majority of the trail, Rosie falling over, H5N1 not complaining once, Bookend and Nobby taking on the mantle of shortcutting bastards and Wet Patch almost exclusively hitting the right route on every regroup!


Great trail even if I do say so myself!


Just Faye was named Gash for her fake wound. What are they teaching these kids?!


On on to the next trail.





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