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27 Feb 2014 Hash 636 The Bridge Inn Preston

Hares: H5N1 & Something Else


Hounds: Just Dervla, Largerlout, Bandit, Bumblebee, COTK, Rosie, Boulders, Just Dee, Nobby, Just Debbie, NoFI, SNoFI, Bookend, Friggin, Just Andrew, Just Charley, Just Tom, Wet Patch, Scrumpy, Just Shane (v), Just Dave (v), Just Faye (v)


Hounds report: Great shiggy trail set by the GM and by proxy.


Trail set off in the well trod direction of the tunnel under Preston Road. Scrumpy did her best Tom Daly impression into the River Jordan although that is where the comparisons end as Scrumpy could definately have Daly in an arm wrestle.


Trail looped around and up Seven Acres Lane before charging off Sutton Poyntz way. The trail wound through shigtastic lanes to loop around Sutton Poyntz and arrive at the rear (no sniggering) of the village. An overheard conversation about not eating candy pigs as this broke vegeterianism rules led the Webmaster to wonder about the youth of today. Surely things in the shape of animals don't count?! And anyway I thought they had developed a gelatine that wasn't made from pigs earlobes and squirrel's tears?


Sneaky bar work  led the pack a merry dance around the outskirts of Sutton Poyntz before arriving back onto Preston Road opposite The Spice Ship. Luckily one hasher had eavesdropped the GM's private conversation and deduced that the trail must lead away from the On Inn for one last hurrah.


The last knockings of the trail looped around the caravan parks and onto the fields behind Jordan Hill. Continuing the rich vein of form the webmaster promptly fell on his arse. Shiggy covered the pack arrived back at the On Inn for an excellent pint of Jail Ale.


Down downs abounded for fallers, newcommers and losers (in the possessionary sense).


At the apres hash beveraging, Friggin introduced the Webmaster to the delights of Geocaching. After a happy weekend spent fiddling about in hedgerows, under fences and in walls, the webmaster can thoroughly recommend this to all folks including those with small children. This is primarily because my kids are more adept at using the iPhone anyway but this at least gets them out in the fresh air. Good job Friggin! 


On on to the next most excellent trail!


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