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26 March 2015 Hash 666 The Famous Old Spa

26 March 2015 Hash 666 - The Famous Old Spa


Hares: Boulders & Bookend


Hounds: Something Else, H5N,1 Scrumpy, Bones 1, Bones 2, Surf no turf, Slippery shitter, Vajazzle, Nobby, Muskrat, Lurch, Rosie, Swashsticka, Erco, Honest John, Bandit, Fix it, Hot lips, Wander boy, Wet patch, Just Sue, Gravelrash, Wellie Wanker, Lagerlout, Mr Economical, SNoFI, NoFI, Buscock, Ivor stent, Nurse baps


Socials: Clapper & Des de Moaner


Hares Report:

What a cracking turnout for the Sub60s 666th hash! The subs go a long way to covering the exorbitant amounts of hash cash that the hares spent on the beer stop!


Arriving late to lay the hash, the hares proved that a pre lay recce pays dividends later. A 60 minute lay for a 60 minute trail must be some kind of record.


At the circle the GM called the hounds to order and dished out the down downs from the last hash. The reason for the delay was made apparent when several hounds were punished for leaving the On Inn to go skittling.


After all DDs were given out out, the trail set off to a slightly faltering start. Sheep-ism saw most hounds follow Bones 1, Slippery and Wet Patch on a wild goose chase along Dorchester Road. Not the wily fox H5N1 who saw the hares were not moving! When the pack found dust the hash could start properly. The trail set off along Spa Road before twisting around and back towards Casa del Clapper y Des de Moaner.


Sticking mostly to footpaths, the trail wound around Spa Road before taking in the Radipole Lane woods. Taking the path around Radipole Manor the trail led to Radipole School, before dinking around and ending up at the Westmacott Road Estate.


Here the hash encountered someone who we will name in absentia as Grumpy McF*ck. One cannot help but suspect that he was suffering from Charlie Big Potato syndrome and couldn't back down after he had tried to intimidate Wet Patch and Slippery (who, lets face it, aren't the hashes most frightening of individuals). Ready to stand up for civil liberties however, Surf no Turf and Bones 1 (now renamed as Ronnie and Reggie), stepped up told yon gobshite what was what.


After a respectful amount of time, the pack moved on up to Redlands before looping back round to The Morrisons roundabout. After spotting a paddy wagon over the road, the pack sped off towards the underpass before ending up at the Devils Arsehole. Despite calls of On Back, several hashers crawled up the DA before rejoining the rest of the hash for a beer stop in Sainsburys car park. Suitable refreshed with an excellent standard to 666 themed beverages the pack cracked on towards the On Inn and to excellent hospitality once again laid on by the Famous Old Spa.


Down downs were plentiful and abundant and the Webmaster wished he could remember them all but such is life when drinking with Bookend!


Now to research a few more verses for 'Goodbye to my horse'..


On on to the next excellent hash!






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